剧情: 《侏罗纪太Gay》由泰国同志电影公司Gthai movie所推出的最新钜作~ 虽然题材很像只是改了个字(G罗纪公园),但像是这种《侏罗纪驯兽照》也给呈现出来了,难道这还不能算是用心嘛~ 千万别说这是巧合,像是系列电影中不是都会出现一群训练有素的持枪佣兵或警卫嘛,在这出侏罗纪太Gay当然也看的到这样的画面...
主演:Loa Falkman,Stina Ekblad,Simon Norrthon
剧情: The Runeberg family is an ordinary middle class family, with a house in a suburb, a car and three children. By vacationing in a rented house by the sea, the hope is that the tension and anxiety bet..
主演:Kevin McNally,Stephen Fry,Tim Roth,Andrew McCarthy,James Fleet
剧情:British drama following the lives of a group of friends who met at university.
主演:David Friend,Simon Morley,Charles Bushnell
剧情: 澳洲籍两位男士赛门、大卫是开路先锋,1998年他们推出「阳具木偶剧」(Puppetry of the Penis),其创新与幽默的手法立即造成轰动。 他们在舞台上光溜溜,仅穿一袭披风,当众掐捏自己的阳具,玩弄出各种造型,如尼斯湖水怪、艾菲尔铁塔、嗷嗷待哺的雏鸟、蜗牛等,每样均栩栩如生。他们的拿手一招叫做「汉堡」,利用阴囊上的毛细孔与汉堡上的芝麻粒一模一样,效果突出,笑翻了观众。 ..
剧情:Life In Squares tells the story of the Bloomsbury group over 40 years, from the death of Queen Victoria to the Second World War, as they attempted to forge a life free from the constraints of the pas..
主演:Mark Patton,Kim Myers,Robert Englund,Robert Rusler
剧情: 上一集南茜将恶魔佛瑞迪(罗伯特?英格兰德 Robert Englund 饰)的鬼魂封在了钢爪手套后,她举家搬出了艾姆街。男孩杰西(马克?佩顿 Mark?Patton 饰)一家搬了进来,自从杰西住进这座房子,他就不断的作恶梦,搅得他不得安生。一次偶然,杰西在地下室发现了南茜留下的钢爪手套,因此佛瑞迪的鬼魂得以逃脱封印。 重获自由的佛瑞迪利用杰西的身体开始四出作案,尽管杰西努力控制自己想以..
主演:Okan Bayülgen,Müjde Ar,Savas Dincel,Fatih Akyol,Zafer Algoz,Levent Erim
剧情: The local box office champion of 1997-98 (Turkey), directed by Mustafa Altioklar, provides over-the-top entertainment worthy of its feverish title. In a seedy but colorful area of Istanbul a bar..
主演:Roy Kirkland,Harrison Simon,Danielle Lalk,Davey Sheffield
剧情: Ray Dalton [Roy Kirkland] is a successful businessman, snappy dresser, drives a Lexus on 22s and never meets a stranger, but love seems to be the hardest object to acquire. Ray gets lots of advice ..
主演:Oliver Wahlgren-Ingrosso,Arash Bolouri,Poyan Karimi,Chanelle Lindell,Jimmy Lindström
剧情: Ciao Bella是一部关于寻找爱情和为爱挣扎的故事。按照好莱坞电影的传统模式,镜头跟随2个16岁的年轻人脚步发展。有时在你16岁的时候,你就面临着人生的重大抉择。Mustafa Moradi非常想有个女友,但是他认识的女孩却只把他当普通朋友。 他突然想到了一个自认为聪明的法子,就是假装成浪漫的意大利人,一个充满各种可能性的世界出现了。在城市的另一端,Linnea 也在寻在着她生命的..
剧情:Life In Squares tells the story of the Bloomsbury group over 40 years, from the death of Queen Victoria to the Second World War, as they attempted to forge a life free from the constraints of the pas..